Friday, August 24, 2012

1:15 AM

Quarter-life crisis: Life @ 25

This happens in everyone's life.It's a state in which the mind seems liberated yet in a certain mode of conflict. The macho idealism confronts the starring realities of existence in such an impromptu way that it throws you either apart or makes you all the more better. In its deepest sense, the age of 25 or about there, is a moment where youthful idealism battles with pragmatic realism in such a direct manner in professional and personal lives. Quarterlifecrisis truly arrives!
The post-adolescent period of individuals are filled with opinions. Opinions on everything; from movies to politics to sports to gossip. These opinions generally stem from a perspective that has been either fed by parents through childhood or inherited from interactions with college friends. More often than not, these interactions are not only sweeping, they are also short sighted at times. How many times have you regretted a fight on ideological grounds that you might find laughable ten years down the line? At 25 or so, one is confronted with an open world with a plethora of ideologies and thinking mindsets. At this stage, most of these new exposures are in conflict with what you had been preached. The mind is in a conundrum, whether to follow what has been thought or embrace what it is being exposed to? At this juncture, from a closeted world, the young minds start to straddle in an arena with multiple viewpoints on most issues. All of these viewpoints generally start from a single source; the workplace.
Job Number One, Two:
The stage of first and second employment is the most definitive leap for a college graduate into the outside world. Experiences can vary from being brilliant to being downright nasty. Irrespective of the experience, it surely does throw you in the cold water. The "sir's" become "managers", the chatters a couple of months ago in college now become "unprofessional" and work becomes almost god. At 25, one would be at the peak of that transition period. Clueless as when to be straight, when to be diplomatic and when to act diplomatic, the individual is stuck between two worlds. One dreamy world which thought the world was as sweet as honey and the other realistic world that says "forget the honey; it's all about the money". In between the major professional transitional crisis comes the personal one.
Ah, once more. All this while these relationships were a solitary worry for most college graduates. Now it gets to another level post education considering the stress that work produces. It's that time when you see your first crush getting married with a colgate like smile, your second crush naming her son after you; in between all this you seem the loner who is trying to understand if you can ever flash a colgate smile! Most young adults get into this personal space of loneliness (assuming they are single) which gets them further into a state of "what the hell am I doing with my life?" mode. In an effort to fulfill the space of emptiness, people start to aspire to do things in order to take them forward in their lives.
Aspirations are defined by desire to excel in something that one loves. This state of aspiration would have been intrinsic all these years but at the quarter life stage, it would inevitably pop up at some level. Should I start a company? Should I become a writer? Should I study something else? These questions pop up at this interval leaving the individuals at a state of flux on what to do going forward. It leaves the individuals with the state of dilemma within their mindsets especially after wondering if these aspirations are in line with what the families expect of themselves. At this stage of one's life, neither would the individual have a track record to prove one's excellence nor would one be in a position to show how the aspiration can be a massive success some day. The mind would seem to be in a state of crisis on how to proceed forward.
At the root of all these questions in front of the 25 year old, lies a fundamental question. What might be the way out? In all of these above cases, there seems to be a common thread of thought that can be applied to the entire so called crisis above. It is to believe in your own ability and keep marching forward with a positive attitude. It sounds clich and simplistic, sometimes simplicity is the epitome of the greatest philosophical truths. An innate belief in oneself would reinforce the ideologies learned through childhood by incorporating the positive values from other ideologies and cultures. An innate belief with a positive attitude would make the first job a learning platform despite the hammerings from the superiors that one gets through the process. A positive attitude would help handle relationships with a more positive frame of mind understanding that someday the right one would always be there waiting for you, it's a question of time. Most importantly, a strong belief in one's ability would help to overcome all of the above barriers to make aspirations, a path breaking reality.
Life @25 can be gripped by a quarter life crisis; Life beyond 25 is about how one conquers the quarter life crisis. Live, Hope, Believe and conquer!

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  1. Instead of Crisis it sounds like an opportunity in disguise...if one has an eye to look at it positively it can lay a strong foundation for better future with tons of memories to cherish for life time...!!!



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